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  Monday, November 28, 2022
  8 Replies
  9.4K Visits
Using KuTools for Outlook I am looking for a way to search all Outlook emails in all of the Outlook folders and subfolders. What I found is that that i can only search a single folder at a time. Is there a way to do what I need to do? Thanks.
1 year ago
That was a pity... we've looked for a solution, however, no good ways to get the search done.
Once we have a solution, we will share that to you, and will of course include that in the Kutools.

If you find a way in the future, please share that with us :D

1 year ago
Well, it took a few days to really test this out but, unfortunately, it does not work for us. As it turns out, our Shared mailboxes do not have associated User Accounts and therefore, there are no credentials to enter. Since there are no credentials to enter, we cannot set up a separate account in Outlook for the Shared MBs that would in turn, allow Outlook to index the folder and include that in a "global search" of all mailboxes.

The only way to search a Shared MB for emails with KUTools is to select the exact Shared MB folder in which the sought email resides, select "Current folder" search option, and then search. This will not work for us as we have many folders and not way of knowing which folder(s) will have the emails.

If you have any more suggestions or changes in the future that enable search Shared MBs, please let me know. I have to move on and select a different solution. --Cliff
1 year ago
Hi Cliff, how did the approach go?
1 year ago

I believe I have found the reason for the search failure and will be trying a different approach. After quite a bit of research, what I found was that in order to get Outlook to search everything including Shared Mailboxes, you need to do this.

You have to use the Outlook "Add Account" button, enter the shared mailbox address and no password. Then, when prompted, use the UPN/password for the person with Full Access permissions to the shared MB. This will then add the shared MB as an additional Outlook account and once done, allows you to use all search options on all mailboxes.

I have requested credentials for our shared MBs so I can try this. If this works, it hopefully solves the problem. I will post a reply as soon as I know results, but from what I've read, this should work.

1 year ago
Yes, that is box is checked and my options are the same as your picture. That said, here is a description of what I've tried (many times) searching for emails and search parameters and the results of those trials. I've included a couple screenshots so you can see my search options and advanced search dialogue.

1) Confirmed I have the correct Search Option settings (Yes)
2) Performed a complete rebuild of the search index (Yes)
3) Searched for exact email matches using "All Outlook Items", "From" (or) "Subject", and "Received Any Time".
4) Results of the search are as follows (and this is always the same result)
a) Email items residing in any of MY PERSONAL folders, are always found (Success)
b) Email items residing in any SHARED MAILBOX folders are never found (Failure)

I really need 4b) to be successful but I'm out of ideas. Any additional suggestions would be great, otherwise, I will have to try and find another search solution. Your support is great and I'm hoping we can resolve the issue. In any event, thank you for the help.

1 year ago
Hi Cliff,

Please go to the Options and check if you have checked the option as shown below.

If not, please check the option and give the Advanced Search another try. 😊

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1 year ago
Thanks Amanda, but I tried the Advanced Search feature you suggested and it is not finding things I need it to find. In my account, I have my main Outlook mailbox with typical folders (Inbox, Deleted, Sent, etc.) and I also have access to two shared mailboxes. Each of these shared mailboxes have folders and subfolders. As a test, I directly searched for a known email with an exact from address match that exists in one of the shared mailbox subfolders. The Advanced search will not find it unless the exact subfolder in which the email is located is selected. This is the same behavior as the ineffective MS Outlook search.

I hope that explanation helps as I really need to search all the mailboxes and all of their respective folders and subfolders with a single search. I am our companies I.T. manager and we are evaluating your KUTools for company wide deployment. Right now, KUTools has an exemplary interface and ease of use going for it, but this is a show stopper.

Any suggestions?
Thanks, Cliff
1 year ago
Hi there,

Yes. You can find Advanced Search in the Search group on the Kutools tab.
In the Advanced Search pane, you can select All Outlook Items for the Search Scope.

If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask me.

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